Restart Program FAQs and Why I Love Teaching It!
I get a lot of questions from those that are curious about Restart, which is my 5-Week Nutrition Coaching Program.
Because of this, I thought I would share the top 7 frequently asked questions (and my responses!) about this program that I’ve been chatting more about lately. But first, I want to share a little bit about why I LOVE teaching these classes, and what led me to the decision to get licensed to teach it. Let’s do this!
For those of you that have been following me for awhile, you know that I am really not about “programs”. I bet you were a little surprised when I started talking about Restart in my Facebook Group. I’m a NOT about “dieting”. Diets do not work. Sure, you may lose some weight temporarily through restricting, calorie counting, and strictly following Macros… but this is often not a long-term strategy towards optimal health. Let’s be real: You can eat within your caloric daily limit and/or macros and STILL be eating crap foods that are doing you more harm than good, and also not getting in the necessary nutrients that you need to thrive.
You can lose weight, and still be a metabolic wreck inside…continuing to suffer from any or all of the following: anxiety, migraines, burn-out, poor sleep, skin issues, joint pain, and the list goes on.
Becoming aware of WHAT you are eating, which foods YOUR body needs to thrive, and getting to a point where you are intuitively eating to support your health is priceless. This is exactly what helps me to stay consistent and excited to fuel my body with nutrients that lead me to feeling my best. Health is not a “point A to point B” experience, it is an ongoing journey. You are worthy and valuable no matter your size. I am not sharing this program to change the number on your scale. In fact, throw that piece of crap out the window. This is NOT a weight loss program, even though weight loss is a side effect for some participants. This program teaches you HOW to support your health with real, whole nutritious foods and how to tune in to how you are feeling after eating certain foods. It truly gives you a different lens, allowing you to see food and health in a completely different way than what you may have had before. Ok, more on this later. ;) Let’s get to the FAQs!
Frequently Asked Questions about RESTART®
#1 - How is Restart different than other programs?
An important difference to mention is that this program was created by a Nutritional Therapy Practitioner (like me!) and is based on in-depth training in holistic nutrition. Another difference is that it is a LIVE, interactive class. You are with your instructor and fellow participants (whether in person or via Zoom/virtual), and this will allow me to answer any questions that you or others in the class have specific to your personal needs. One of the biggest differences that I love is that Restart, along with powerful nutrition education uses ONLY real food. There are no pills, powders, shakes, or gimmicks… just real food that you buy and prepare on your own! It is not focused on weight loss or a “diet” plan. It is a personal experience of self-discovery that will provide you the tools to use for a lifetime.
#2 - How is the program set-up or how will it look like for me?
The program is designed to be part education, part sugar elimination, and part small-group support (an awesome combo). There are 5 weekly classes (taught by yours truly), which last about 60-90 minutes each depending on the size of the class. The average class size is 4-5 people, but the max number is 10. Each class we will be covering a different topic, such as Food Mindset and Preparation, Digestion, Blood Sugar, and Dietary Fats. Below is the weekly schedule.
Week 1: This week is all about PREPARATION and planning. We will talk about what to expect from the program, and how to prepare mentally, physically, and emotionally for your successful REAL FOOD challenge. You’ll set your intentions for the program, and lastly you’ll receive a foods list which will guide you on what to eat and what not to eat throughout Restart.
Week 2: This week is all about DIGESTION. Healthy digestion is critical - how is yours? Find out how it’s designed to work and how to optimize your digestion to get the most out of your healthy diet.
Week 3: BLOOD SUGAR REGULATION. This week we will learn how your body responds to excess sugar and refined carbs, and how to get off the sugar rollercoaster.
Week 4: We unveil the truth about dietary FATS and why healthy fats are essential to your diet. Learn which ones to enjoy, which ones to avoid and why.
Week 5: YOU DID IT! You can move forward with your success and keep feeling great! Learn how to integrate the tools and skills you’ve acquired through The RESTART® Program.
I will provide materials to you on the day of class each week, as well as email support throughout the program. You will get a cookbook with lots of recipes and resources, and have lifetime access to a private Facebook group with myself and your fellow Restarters for added support! After your first week in the program, you will start your sugar elimination protocol which will last 3 weeks.
There are so many delicious meal and snack options in the Restart Program!
#3 - How much time do I need to devote to this program?
The only scheduled obligations are the weekly classes (which are 60-90 minutes). Beyond that, time spent at home will include shopping for and preparing nourishing foods based on the approved food lists provided in the first session. A strong focus will be on paying attention to how different foods affect your body. This is where food journaling can be so helpful (we talk about how to do this as well!). You have a lot of freedom in what you choose (you are not expected to eat anything that you do not like!), and it doesn’t have to be complicated. I love simplicity, and I always share ways to keep it simple in the kitchen because let’s be real… not everyone has tons of time to cook!
#4 - Do I have to only follow recipes from the Restart cookbook?
Nope! You don’t have to use any of the recipes provided if you don’t want to (although there are some yummy ones in there). As long as the foods you are preparing (or recipes you are following) are “Restart friendly”, then you are good to go!
#5 - Will my specific health issues be addressed in the class?
The program is designed to teach foundational information related to digestion, blood sugar regulation, and the importance of choosing healthy forms of dietary fat for overall health. You may be amazed at how beginning with these foundations goes a long way with any healing journey. When I am working with individual clients, we address these foundations in a more targeted and individualized way. I offer an opportunity to extend your support from me with an individual coaching package at the end of the program, if you wish to take a deeper dive into your health concerns.
#6 - Once I sign up for the Restart Program, what happens next?
After enrollment, I will be in touch and provide the details of our first class. On the day of class, you will receive an email with materials for that night’s class. When you arrive at class, I will explain the rest! The first week of the program is all about preparation, both mindfully and logistically. The actual sugar elimination protocol will not begin until the day after our 2nd class, so for the first class just show up ready to learn!
#7-How will I feel after the program, or what should I expect?
It really depends on the individual. However, I can tell you that in every class most (if not all) participants feel better and experience improvements in symptoms. Here are some of the reported successes in my previous classes: Improved sleep, clearer skin, improved digestion, reduced anxiety, improved mood, more positive view of food, more energy, clearer mind/less brain fog, less or no headaches, no more bloating, improvement in or elimination of PMS symptoms, normal blood sugar balance, less cravings, knowing which foods do not sit well with them/sensitivities, spike in motivation and an eagerness to learn more moving forward. I’m always excited to hear participants share how they are feeling towards the end of the program. Sometimes it isn’t anything that they expected, which is also cool to experience.
I hope these FAQs and answers helped to give you a better understanding of the Restart Program. I am so grateful to be able to teach others about holistic nutrition, and for the opportunity to empower others to take control of their own health with nourishing foods and lifestyle changes. If there are any questions that you have about the program that are not listed here, please don’t hesitate to contact me so that we can explore whether or not this program is a good fit for you and your goals/needs. Have a wonderful day!
Are you ready to try something completely new, and reserve your spot for my next Restart class?