The Last 4 Doctors You'll Ever Need!
Well, if you’ve been following me for awhile, you know that holistic nutrition is my jam. However, even I know that nutrition is ONE piece of the health pie. You can be eating all of the real, nourishing foods that you possibly can (and avoiding the not-so-great foods) and still be missing the mark when it comes to overall health. Nutrition is critical to optimal wellness, but there are other very important aspects that are key to your progress and overall well being. I’m looking at you poor sleep habits, stress, lack of movement, emotional health, and others.
Getting in a variety of colors when it comes to your foods helps to provide more of those “building blocks”, AKA nutrients needed for every function in your body.
A couple of weeks ago, I was super excited and honored to talk with Jason Schreiber LIVE in my Facebook group. Jason is an amazing human being. He is passionate about teaching others how to optimize their health through fitness, mindset, and overall wellness. He owns and operates Top Tier Columbia in Columbia, Maryland. He is an awesome coach, trainer, competitor, and truth teller! In our discussion, we cover a LOT of topics but I wanted to share a sneak peak of his presentation: The Four Doctors You Will Ever Need. Jason is inspired by Paul Chek of Chek Institute, who was the creator of The Four Doctors.
The 4 Doctors You’ll Ever Need:
1. Dr. Diet: The food that you eat provides the basic building blocks for every function in your body. Proper nutrition is extremely important to optimal health. Eating foods that are LIVING, meaning that they contain the enzymes, vitamins, minerals, microbes, and more to allow for healing, proper function, and vitality. Processed food is "dead" food, often having little to no nutritional value and contributing to inflammation in the body. This isn't about perfection, but rather focusing on the big picture of what you are consuming. If you are eating real, whole nutritious foods 95% of the time, then you are most likely getting in those much needed nutrients and that ice cream once in a great while isn't going to matter too much.
2. Dr. Quiet: Unfortunately this doctor does not get as much attention as the other doctors (especially when compared to Dr. Movement and Dr. Diet). On a daily basis, practice being silent. Try to set aside downtime to slow down and become still. Instead of reading a book or listening to music, get out in nature and listen to the sounds around you. Try to sit still and focus on your breathing. Meditating or just being quiet regularly allows your nervous system and consciousness to come into balance, which will then allow Dr. Happiness to start kicking in. When you’re able to be present in the current moment, you will be more likely to experience joy, happiness, and fulfillment. Positive emotions will come from within when you take the time to be quiet and still. Oh, and do not forget SLEEP. It is truly one of the most underrated, powerful, and essential healing forces available to us.
3. Dr. Happiness- Paul Chek describes this doctor as being the one in charge of our core values. He adds that “these core values are the values we choose to live by so that we can maximize the opportunity to experience what we want in life.” Dr. Happiness guides you to a healthy space through reflection and pondering about why you exist—to establish what your goals, dreams, and legacy really are. This information is actually important to the other three doctors. So, once you know what Dr. Happiness has to tell you, you can really create an effective health plan with Dr. Diet, Dr. Quiet, and Dr. Movement. What brings you joy? Make sure to make time for the things that make your heart dance. It is amazing how much of an impact this will have on your overall health.
4. Dr. Movement-First and foremost, you need to be aware of the current situation of your body, i.e. which muscles are tight, which muscles are loose, etc. Then, begin an exercise program that is specifically designed to bring those muscles into balance. Your nervous system, skeletal system, and muscular system need to be strengthened in a specific way that’s tailored to you. There’s no health program that fits everyone, because everyone is unique with a different history, needs, and goals. Find what YOUR body needs, and in most cases this will take consulting with someone who knows what they are doing in this area. Jason Schreiber is a GREAT resource for this. I highly recommend his consulting and training services.
Check out Paul Chek's book, The Last Four Doctors You’ll Ever Need. I am reading it now and I highly recommend it!
Also, if you missed out discussion about these four doctors and more, click below to watch the replay!
Here’s to living your best life!
Jaime Brooke
Nutritional Therapy Practitioner